Job 3

Scripture: Job 3

Observation: This whole chapter deals with Job cursing the day he was born. He wished he was born dead, or even never born. That way he wouldn’t be dealing with all the pain, both physically and emotionally.

Application: I am having a really hard time seeing how to apply what I saw in this chapter to my life. It is just Job complaining. But what I do see is that it is exactly what I felt a couple weeks ago. Even though I was nowhere near the scale that Job was at, it felt like my whole life had crumbled. All I did was complain, complain, and complain. I know I said things to people that I probably shouldn’t of.  Nothing really mattered to me. It showed me that trials and tribulations can really change someone. I am probably one of the most positive person out there. But for most of July, I was not positive. I was very negative. I was very down. I, like Job, wised I wasn’t even born. So in a way I can relate to how he felt, just not to the scale he was hit. I did complain to people, but I HATED doing that. I don’t like complaining. Its hard for me to let people in how I feel, especially when its negative. I feel like I shouldn’t be complaining. I know there are people way worse off than I am and I have no right to. And in my head, if you could only hear the arguing that goes on about that. Now I’m sounding like I’m crazy. Its just a lot of thinking.

Prayer: God, I pray that I can really think about this chapter more. I pray that you can show me more of what I need to learn from this. I don’t think I have what You wanted to show me. And maybe I need to read it again. God I pray that you really put on my heart what you want to really hit me here. Thank You. Amen

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